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CORS Technical Assistance Session Video

CORS Questions and Answers

The following table includes questions asked regarding the Community Outreach and Recovery Supports (CORS) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Questions and answers will be updated each Wednesday afternoon during the application period.
Updated 1/20/2024
1Would the upcoming required LCC plan for state of IL contracts and other funding satisfy the racial equity plan mentioned?The Linguistic and Cultural Competency Plan may be a component of the racial and equity justice plan but the scope of the racial and equity justice plan is broader.
2Is the initial application to be a 14 month award fiscally ?The anticipated period of performance for CORS programs is May 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 and the maximum award to be requested is $350,000 for the entire period. This period of performance spans two fiscal years:

Funding Period 1: May 1, 2024 – June 30, 2024 (2 months)
Funding Period 2: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 (12 months)
Funding must be requested for each period. These periods are identified in the budget workbook as “FP 1” and “FP 2.” Each table has separate columns for each funding period.

[corrected amount 1/25]
3What is the total number of months an org could receive funding for?The initial application should be budgeted for 14 months. Subrecipients may be eligible to receive up to one subsequent one-year grant renewal for this program (FY26). Renewals are at the discretion of the RCCA, based on performance and sufficient appropriations.
4Do all positions have to be filled upon application so services can begin immediately upon award?No. However, the staffing plan should be reflected in the work plan and budget.
5If an organization is newly formed and has no financial history should they report on what is proposed as annual costs ?An organizational budget is required as Attachment C. If you do not have a current budget, you should submit a planned organizational budget that covers the period of performance.
6Is there a particular outreach number each agency should be prepared to service?A minimum standard has not been established. The proposed number of contacts and activities should be presented in your application.
8What are you looking for regarding lived experience? Is there a preference and any expectation to provide documentation for this?People with lived experience (PLE) would be individuals in recovery from an substance use disorder or opioid use disorder. No documentation is required for the application.
9Am I understanding correctly that there are going to be 7 coalitions and each coalition is going to have a certain amount of money indicated by need in that specific coalition?The Regional Opioid Advisory Coalitions that are being established by the RCCA are separate from the CORS funding opportunity.
10For an organization with multiple locations throughout IL would it be advisable to submit one application collectively or should each location that is interested submit their own application? The main organization holds the FEIN number, but each location has their own UEI number.For the CORS program, only one award per organization will be awarded.
11Is there a way to attach letters of support?Not at this time.
12Is there someone we could reach out to ascertain whether our proposed project aligns with the funding opportunity?AHP cannot provide technical assistance on programmatic components. All proposals should clearly meet the scope of services and deliverables outlined in Section A of the NOFO.
13Is there an opportunity for a 3rd year of funding?Subrecipients may be eligible to receive up to one subsequent one-year grant renewal for this program (FY26). Renewals are at the discretion of the RCCA, based on performance and sufficient appropriations.
14Just to clarify, we can budget training costs for the suggested trainings and peer certifications into this funding for staff included in the budget?Yes, training costs that align with Task 6 may be included in the budget.
15Will there be future funding opportunities? We wouldn't want to hire new staff members if we couldn't sustain the program over time.Future funding opportunities for opioid settlements funds are subject to approval by the Governor’s Opioid Prevention and Recovery Steering Committee.
16Can you elaborate on collaboration? Can the applying agency also refer clients to their recovery programs?Collaboration is required as defined in Task 2 of the NOFO. Agencies may refer clients to internal services and programs.
17Are organizations who don't already employ PLE or PSW still eligible? Could part of the budget be allocated to hire for those positions?Yes.
18When I first attempted to apply for this grant, I had to select "CS Domain" questions - was this a technical error or did I do something wrong on my end?This was a technical error and the question has been removed.
19Should I register as an individual or an organization in SurveyMonkey Apply?Register as an individual.
20We registered as an organization. Should I re-register as an individual? If so, how would I do that?It is not necessary to re-register.
21If we select "save and continue" to proceed with the application, will we be able to go back and make edits later to the sections if we don't select "mark complete"?Yes, applicants will have the opportunity to save and revisit progress in the SMA Portal.
Updated 1/26/2024
22Section C.1 notes that the entity needs to be located in Illinois. Does the headquarters need to be in Illinois or is this just related to the services being delivered in the state with an office located in the state.Applicants are not required to be headquartered in Illinois. Applicants must be a non-profit, for-profit, or tax-exempt entity located in Illinois. All entities must be qualified to do business with the State of Illinois.
23Can we use the grant for capital or can we use indirect costs for buildout?Per Section C.8. of the NOFO, capital expenditures are not allowed.
24Can the applying agency be one of the recovery centers?Eligible entities are described in Section C of the NOFO.
25What is the Community Outreach Recovery Support (CORS) model? Is there a document with the best practices, goals, and outcomes?All information on the CORS model is detailed in Section A of the NOFO.
26How are you evaluating the submissions? What is the plan against which you are evaluating submissions, the roadmap, CORS model?All competitive grant applications are subject to merit-based review in accordance with 44 Ill. Admin Code 7000.350. The process is described in Section F of the NOFO. The evaluation criteria for each question is detailed on the CORS Application page.
27Can we have management staff partially covered?Staff providing direct management and supervision of the outreach team and their activities may be included in the proposed budget. Allowable costs are those that are necessary and reasonable based on the activity contained in the Statement of Work, are justified in the Budget Narrative, and are allowable under Subpart E of 2 CFR 200.
28Can we lease a van for the program?Yes. Rented or leased equipment costs should be proposed in the Contractual budget tab (2 CFR 200.319 and 200.92.).
29Can we use the grant to strengthen peer training and foster leadership development?Professional development activities are allowed as described in Section A.5., Task 6. of the NOFO.
30Can you please explain, in detail, the funding periods and the total maximum award by funding period?There is no prescribed amount to be requested for each funding period. The anticipated period of performance for CORS programs is May 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 and the maximum award to be requested is $350,000 for the entire period.

Funding Period 1: May 1, 2024 – June 30, 2024 (2 months)
Funding Period 2: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 (12 months)
31The grant opportunity says funding is for $325,000 to $350,000. Can an org apply for less?Yes. Applications submitted for less than the award range defined in the NOFO will be reviewed in accordance with the merit-based review process if pre-qualification criteria are met.
32Can funds be utilized for purchases like Mobile Units? If not purchasing, is there flexibility to lease vehicles to be used as mobile units? Thank you for your time and attention.Yes. Rented or leased equipment costs should be proposed in the Contractual budget tab (2 CFR 200.319 and 200.92.).
33Section 2, Q29. Asks for account number, what are they referring to?Please enter the UEI number in this field.
35I think the term “needs assessment” is used interchangeably in several different places so trying to determine if this is referencing one needs assessment that the RCCA will send to awardees within 4 weeks of performance period, or if we develop one in reference to the equity and racial justice plan. Thank you!The RCCA will provide a needs assessment survey to all subrecipients, who will have a minimum of 3 weeks to complete the survey after it is distributed. Subrecipients will need to conduct or submit evidence of an organizational assessment related to racial and equity justice to inform development of that plan. The RCCA will provide technical assistance on this topic.
36Can existing staff with lived experience be funded to carry out grant deliverables?The funds for this program may not be used to supplant current state or federally funded services. Current staff may be funded if they are providing new or expanded services.
37In the Applicant Information Tab of the CORS Budget Template, cell B8 will only accept numerical data, when it should be Alpha for the name of the executive.

In the Budget Summary Tab, cell C10 is puling the same data as cell B10 from the 7. Consultant Services tab cell I18.
The budget workbook has been corrected (as of 1/25/2024) and a new version may be downloaded on the Budget page. Applicants who have registered with SurveyMonkey Apply will be emailed an updated version.
38Is lived experience flexible as in peers can be individuals who saw family members/loved ones suffer from SUD/OUD or is this specific in that all peers must be in recovery for SUD/OUD? Or is there opportunity for a mix of both? Just wondering how versatile lived experience functions can be. Thanks!For the CORS model, people with lived experience (PLE) are individuals in recovery from an substance use disorder or opioid use disorder.
39Can you elaborate on what your expectations are for the sustainability plan? The description of the expectations for the sustainability plan is quite vague in the NOFO/deliverables documents. From what I can see, we are just being asked to “implement and maintain” a sustainability plan. Is there any additional information we should consider for guidance purposes.The RCCA will provide technical assistance and a template to support the development of this plan.
40Do we develop the Equity and Racial Justice Plan with TTA assistance, or do we develop this plan independently?The RCCA will provide technical assistance and a template to support the development of this plan.
41Are client assistance costs allowable: hotel rooms, groceries, furniture, fees, clothes, etc. hygiene products, bus cards.These costs are allowed as described in Optional Task 5-O. Recovery Supports.
42Do we have funds to put into a data person for programmatic reporting?Allowable costs are those that are necessary and reasonable based on the activity contained in the Statement of Work, are justified in the Budget Narrative, and are allowable under Subpart E of 2 CFR 200. It is expected that administrative costs, both direct and indirect, will represent a small portion of the overall program budget. Program budgets and narratives must detail how all proposed expenditures are necessary for program implementation.
43Can we include extra training costs?Professional development activities are allowed as described in Section A.5., Task 6. of the NOFO.
44Are lead agencies of ROSC/RCO eligible?Applicants must be a non-profit, for-profit, or tax-exempt entity located in Illinois. All entities must be qualified to do business with the State of Illinois.
45Project Plan: Is there a form for the Project Plan? Is this like a timeline? Do you have an example?The Project Plan is a required attachment for Question 96 of the NOFO. Per the instructions, "provide a detailed timeline for your proposed approach that includes hiring of staff, anticipated linkage agreements, and other coordination activities needed to accomplish the goals and objectives."
Updated 1/31/2024
46Question #29 asks for a account number. What number is that?Please enter "999999999"in this field. It is an extraneous question.
Updated 2/2/2024
47How long does a Peer/PLE need to be in recovery in order to be eligible to provide services as part of this grant?The length of time in recovery for peer roles should be determined by the applicant organziation policies and procedures.
I am asking this question as 2,500 words seems out of sync with the other word counts given the nature of this question. Unless I do not understand the question, it seems rather straight forward of an answer that would maybe take 250 or 500 words but not 2500 words to describe staff experience and qualifications.Word count is not a factor in the application scoring, only that the evaluation criteria are met. For this question, the criteria are:
• The response addresses all elements of the question.
• The applicant understands the experience and expertise required to implement the proposed program.
• The applicant demonstrates an ability to provide qualified staff.
• The applicant demonstrates a commitment to hiring people with lived and living experience.
49As I am completing the application, it seems to me that there is a lot of duplication in terms of statistics and demographic information so I feel like I am repeating myself. Am I reading this wrong?Questions will be scored based upon the evaluation criteria available at CORS Application Questions. Use those criteria to guide the development of the answers to each question.
50Is there a list of allowable costs?All information provided on allowable and unallowable costs is available in Section C.8. of the NOFO.
51Our FY23 audit is being completed now and will be presented to board in March.
The question says current Fiscal Year – an audit would not be done for FY24 until after June 30, 2024. Do you want us to submit the most recent audit?
Please submit your most recent completed audit.
Updated 2/9/2024
52We understand that reporting requirements shall involve tracking the number of "outreach encounters" and "peer support encounters." Ideally, there will be situations where initial outreach leads to peer support in one day's work. May we count the same individual as part of both reports if outreach and peer support both occur for that individual?Yes.
53Can you clarify whether the deadlines for the various plans that need to be created reference a start date at the time of funding period 1 or 2? For example, does our implementation plan need to be drafted within 60 days after May 1 or July 1?Grants administration deliverables refer to the beginning of funding period 1.
54Is the maximum indirect cost allocation $25,000 if we use the de minimus rate of 10%, our program budget is $350,000 and none of our costs involve MTDC exclusions?The maximum indirect cost allocation for de minimis is 10 percent of modified total direct cost (MTDC). The MTDC calculations are detailed in Section C.6. of the NOFO. These costs vary by program and base rates must be calculated by the individual program. It is advised you consult with an accountant.
55Question 9 of the application. Our organization is in all regions listed. Can we select all regions?  Thank youSelect the region where you expect to deliver the most services funded by this subaward. Please provide further details in your application narrative.
56Question 95 asks for Intended Outcomes. Are these outcomes specific to our program, or should they include outcomes described in Section A6 of the NOFO?The intended outcomes identified by an applicant should be specific to the applicant's program design, and those may be different from the deliverable and performance measures.
57Can we provide housing vouchers for clients to stay in sober houses? Is it an allowable expense?These costs are allowed as described in Optional Task 5-O. Recovery Supports.