Settlements Information​

Settlement Funds Allocation

The Illinois Opioid Allocation Agreement governs how funds from any national multistate opioid settlement will be allocated throughout the state.

The Allocation Agreement establishes that 55% of funds will go to the Illinois Opioid Remediation Fund, 20% of the funds are to be allocated to the state; and 25% directly to Illinois Local Governments (LGs), including all counties and eligible municipalities. 

Pursuant to an additional agreement between the state and the city of Chicago, a portion of the state’s 20% share will go directly to the city for abatement purposes. This brings the overall percentage allocated to LGs to approximately 33% of the funds. To date, payments have been allocated as follows. 

*Information current as of November 1, 2024

Remediation Fund (55%)

The Remediation Fund received payments of $243.28 million as of November 1, 2024. The following table details the recommendations that have been made by the Illinois Opioid Remediation Advisory Board and approved by the Governor’s Steering Committee for abatement uses. 

Approved Recommendations

RecommendationAmountFiscal yearProcurement ProcessNOFO Awards (Annualized)Total Expenditures
(through Q1 FY25)
Community Intervention Services$3,000,000FY23Expansion of Services$1,860,978
Access Narcan$4,500,000FY23-24Expansion of Services$4,500,000
IL-PMP$3,750,000FY23-24Expansion of Services$3,750,000
IM Naloxone and Other FDA-Approved drugs to reverse overdose$3,000,000FY24-26NOFO$1,000,000
Read the announcement
Mobile MAR$15,000,000FY24-26NOFO$5,000,000
Read the announcement
Pregnant and post-partum people and their families $6,000,000FY24-26NOFO$2,000,000
Read the announcement
Warm handoff programs and recovery services$6,000,000FY24-26NOFO$2,000,000
Read the announcement
Treatment for incarcerated population $6,000,000FY24-26IGA-IDOC Agreement signed
Prevention programs $15,000,000FY24-26NOFO$5,000,000
Read the announcement
Data collection & analysis$1,500,000FY24-26NOFO$500,000
Read the announcement
CORS model $15,000,000FY24-26NOFO$4,540,178
Read the announcement
Opioid Training and Technical Assistance Center (OTTAC)$12,000,000FY25-27NOFO
Harm Reduction$15,000,000FY25-27Funds divided between IGA-IDPH and RCCA NOFO
Opioid Treatment Program (OTP)$9,600,000FY25-27NOFO
Telehealth Expansion$5,000,000FY25-27NOFO
Contingency Management$1,500,000FY25-27NOFO
Youth and Family Services$3,000,000FY25-27NOFO
Services for Tribal Communities$3,000,000FY25-27NOFO
Capital improvements0Pending

Source: OOSA, Illinois Opioid Remediation Advisory Board (October 17, 2024) and Governors Opioid and Recovery Steering Committee (November 8, 2024 ).

             – IGA: Intergovernmental Agreement
             – IDOC: Illinois Department of Corrections
             – IDHP: Illinois Department of Public Health

Future Payments

Payments to the Remediation Fund are projected to continue to 2038 and are currently estimated to total approximately $772.66 million for settlements finalized to date.

*Source: Illinois Attorney General. Current as of November 1, 2024

Local Governments (33%)

Local governments who have received any payment pursuant to a national opioid settlement are requested to submit a quarterly report within 30 days of the end of each calendar year quarter. The initial reporting period was Q1 2023, or January-March 2023.  

This self-reported data is not vetted by the state; the data reported here is what was reported to the state, and the state makes no guarantee of accuracy or completeness. Questions about funding opportunities or expenditures related to these funds should be directed to the relevant local government.

LG Reported Payments and Expenditures

The following dashboard shows the total payments received and funds expended by year as reported by LGs to date.

LG Reported Payments and Expenditures Details

The following dashboard lists participating local governments and their reported payment and expenditures by type. The pie chart shows a break down of the funds LGs have reported expending to date by expense type. LGs are requested to report on both abatement expenses and non-abatement expenses of the funds, which may include attorney’s fees. LGs with an asterisk (*) next to their names have not, to date, submitted any quarterly reports to the Illinois Attorney General’s Office.

Select a specific entity in the “Entity Name” fields to filter the data by LG.


  1. Executive Order 2022-19.  (2022). Order regarding the administration of settlement proceeds received from illinois’ opioid litigation and creating the illinois opioid remediation advisory board and the office of opioid settlement administration.
  2. Illinois Attorney General.  (January 18, 2024). Illinois Opioid Remediation Advisory Board Meeting.