Opioid Abatement Strategies Effectiveness Evaluator (OASEE) Overview

The application period for OASEE ended February 12, 2024. Stay tuned for award announcements!
OASEE at a Glance
- The purpose of OASEE is to fund data collection, analysis, and reporting activities to evaluate the effectiveness of opioid abatement strategies in Illinois.
- Organizations throughout Illinois that conduct evidence-based data collection and evaluation activities should apply.
- A total of $1.5 million is available to be awarded over a period of 3 years to 1 organization. The anticipated award range is $500,000 per period of performance. The initial period of performance will cover two state fiscal years (periods of performance 4/1/24 to 6/30/24 and 7/1/24 to 6/30/25) for a total of $625,000.
Important Dates
- Technical Assistance Session January 18, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
- Questions about OASEE due January 31, 2024
- Applications due February 12, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.
OASEE Application Materials
Information about the Notice of Funding Opportunity is organized into four main topics: the NOFO, the application, the budget, and FAQs.
The NOFO includes all program requirements and terms and conditions related to the award.
2. Application
Applications are accepted via SurveyMonkey Apply (SMA), an online application platform.
3. Budget
The Budget Workbook must be uploaded as an attachment in the online application.
4. FAQs
Answers are uploaded each Wednesday. Support needs are managed ASAP.
Review the Applicant Checklist
The checklist contains a list of suggested steps to successfully submit the application.